Submission Guidelines

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Create A YouTube Subscribe Widget To Promote Your Channel

by Ihor Cap
Are you looking for an easy way to increase the YouTube membership for your channel? If so, then consider getting a YouTube widget to promote your channel.   A widget is a little sticky button or banner posted in a fixed spot on your website that asks your visitor to subscribe to your YouTube channel.  It used to be that you could only subscribe to a YouTube channel by visiting the channel of interest directly.  Not anymore. Now you can place a YouTube sticky widget on your website or BlogSpot and each widget click gets you one more subscriber.  The YouTube widget attracts far more attention than just a simple URL hypertext link that’s embedded in your website.  So, if you get a lot of visitors to your website, this is something you definitely want to consider doing.
A YouTube channel widget can be resized to suit your website requirements. For example, a  728x90 banner-style widget may be used when you are not restricted by space limitations. Get a FREE watch us on YouTube 728x90 px - Leaderboard banner from the Bannereasy website for one such promotional YouTube channel widget. This is what you should see:
However, if your website is limited by space such that it must be placed in the left or right-hand column of your website, then you may want a button style widget instead of the banner style one. Again, these widgets can be re-sized to suit your needs.  The next example shows you a couple of button-sized YouTube widgets that are located on the left-hand side bar of the website.  This is what you may see:
Did You Know?
Did you know you can get these great looking button widgets at no cost? All you have to do is copy the line of code below and paste it in the location you want it to appear on your website. Just remember to replace the Username ezreklama or ukrayinets1 with your own YouTube channel Username.

Code for Banner Style Widget is approximately 330 pixels in width by 105 pixels in height

<center><script src=""></script>

<div class="g-ytsubscribe" data-channel="ezreklama" data-layout="full" data-count="default"></div></center>

Code for Button Style Widget here is the same pixel size. 

<script src=""></script>

<div class="g-ytsubscribe" data-channel="ukrayinets1" data-layout="full" data-count="default"></div>

The YouTube widget is one great way of driving traffic to your YouTube video channel.  

Or, just visit the YouTube Configure a Button Page for additional Subscription Widget layout and configuration options at  However, don’t rely on just one promotional strategy to build your video channel subscriber base, especially if you are new to the game. Do consider additional exciting ways of attracting more YouTube followers, plugboards and blogposts among them.  Free PlugBoards and Backlinks to Promote Your Web Site Products and Services and Promote your website, service or product by posting an article or blog  are two such useful reads to examine at your leisure and be on your way to getting more visitors. 
Author Information:
Ihor Cap is a Web Author and Researcher.