You can view this first visit and assessment of the Oranta Orphanage by searching for “Orphans, Drohobych, Ukraine-Сироти, Дрогобич, Україна” on YouTube or visiting the EzReklama channel. Earlier visits covered the costs of new fridges and entrance doors, and general goods such as detergents and PVC piping. Indeed, there was a time when the Orphanage was on the verge of closing since they lacked fire-signaling systems in their buildings and fire retardant coatings to wooden interior attic surfaces to protect the surfaces from failure in the event of a fire. Our visit provided the funds for this too and prevented the Orphanage from certain closure just days to come.
It was a timely visit, because the orphanage was in danger of being shut down within a week's time given that the roof top beams and columns were not coated with a fire resistant paint. This is something that needs to be done every couple of years or so. This issue was resolved the very next day. The treatment of the wood beams and columns came at a cost of approximately 3,839.62 hryvnia. Another 8,363 hryvnia was provided towards the installation of a fire alarm system for one of the orphanage buildings. Project receipts were obtained from the local "Derzhavnyj Oshadnyj Bank Ukrayiny" chapter No.6307 in Drohobych. The total costs of these services and installations, a box of pampers notwithstanding, amounted to $1500 CDN dollars (12,202 hryvnia) paid for by UCSS-MB by way of money raised in the city of Winnipeg by individuals who wished to sponsor the "Oranta Project" campaign.
This year Ihor and Dariya met with Acting Director Roman M. Stefanyshyn. To our delight, he said there were only about 15 kids in the orphanage this year ranging from 3 to 15 years of age and there have been many significant improvements to the Orphanage since our first visit. Back in 2008 government funding was limited, workers received their salaries on an intermittent basis, and the orphanage was in general disrepair. Now, they operate in a much more stable environment of funding and there is visible improvement.
Nevertheless, there were still needs to take care of so this year we purchased a new wash machine, computer gas heater, an electric meat-grinder, a tea pot and bath fixtures. “We are definitely happy to visit the Oranta Orphanage and we will surely miss the kids. We hope our financial contributions and support will help promote closeness and for them to know we really wish them well,” said Dr. Ihor Cap, Vice-President of UCSS-MB.
UCSS-MB saves on travel, hotel and food costs because Ihor and Dariya take this time to visit their family members in Ukraine while simultaneously taking this opportunity to ensure that 100% of the funds raised go to help improve the living conditions of the only orphanage house in Drohobych. This is accomplished by means of the money raised in the Ukrainian Winnipeg community at large for just such a purpose via the “Pomich Ukraini” Fund, care of the Oranta Project.
Our readers should know that the orphanage still relies on private contributions from individuals and organizations to help with changes necessary to maintain standards. This reality has prompted UCSS MB to initiate a cash plea and campaign, dubbed "The Oranta Project", to help the only orphanage house in Drohobych. Your donations will help offset the government subsidies that simply do not keep pace with existing needs.
We need your help with this campaign. Together we can make a difference. The goal of this campaign is to help improve the living conditions of the only orphanage house in Drohobych, Ukraine. Your gift of support is the catalyst for change. Help make a difference in the lives of these children now. Those wishing to send financial assistance to the orphans in Drohobych can do so now here. How much you want to donate is entirely up to you.
The Oranta Orphanage attends to the total welfare of these children. Orphaned, abandoned, or otherwise not supported by their parents, Oranta provides these children with a home, and programmes that help strengthen them and keep them together. These children only receive other things they might need through the kindness of donations. So, be kind to the less fortunate. Let us not forget these children. See further below to donate now. Thank you kindly for your support and encouragement! Thank you for caring.
The children's orphanage "Oranta" is located in the city of Drohobych, Lvivska oblast (province). First established in September of 1997, the institution cares for about 15 children, aged 3 to 15.
Money Gift
In Ukraine
Bank UDK u Lvivskij oblasti
MFO 825014
rozrakhunkovyj rakhunok 35423002002490
fax/tel: (244) 22695
For Ukrainians in Ukraine, your payment must be made in Ukrainian funds only, the Hryvnia. Donations to this operating account directly fund the day-to-day costs of the orphanage and are used in areas of greatest need.
UCSS-MB is an affiliate branch of UCSS, Inc which has it's head office in Toronto. Ukrainian Canadian Social Services (Toronto) Inc. is a non-profit organization registered with the Canada Revenue Agency.
BN/Registration Number: 129974572RR0001
Category Code: 03. (Welfare) Charitable Corporations
Designation: A. Public Foundation Date of Registration: 1971-01-01
Category Code: 03. (Welfare) Charitable Corporations
Designation: A. Public Foundation Date of Registration: 1971-01-01